Six on Saturday

We were lucky that Storm Antoni came in like a lamb and went out like a lamb in Cheltenham last weekend, with a lot of rain but very little damage. Fortunately, the forecast high winds never materialised so the garden was relatively unscathed otherwise things like this Cosmos would have been devastated. The soil in the front border is too rich for them really so they produce too much foliage at the expense of flowers but they still put on a good show. It is a laborious task but carefully deadheading them keeps them flowering for longer. and keeps them looking good. I leave a few seedheads towards the end of the season to collect for next year.

It looks like storm damage but, in truth, it was just the sheer weight of fruit that brought down my rather old and flimsy support structure for the Merton Thornless blackberries. It’s a little more awkward now but I will pick the fruit and rebuild it in September to tie in the new canes.

The grapes are coming on nicely and should produce a huge crop this year. It is Vitis labrusca ‘Isabella’, the pink fox grape, the variety they use in the USA to make Grape Jelly which is often combined with peanut butter for a tasty snack. It is both a dessert grape and and a wine grape so I plan to start my own vineyard!

I am the only garden in my road to have a hanging basket this year! Maybe they are no longer fashionable, or perhaps it’s just the constant feeding and watering that people have found too much. They are a tie though, even if we go away for a weekend I have to ask my neighbour to water it each day. I cram so many plants into a 14″ basket that the thirst for water must be immense and now the pelleted feed has almost certainly been used up, it requires liquid tomato feed at every other watering. Mind you, I do love it and feel it is worth the effort. A miniature miracle!

Why do Hollyhocks insist on growing in the most awkward places! They seem intent on finding a tiny crevice against a wall or fence or, as in my case, up against the purple beech hedge. I hasten to add that I have never planted any myself, they have migrated from next door where they run riot against the house wall in dry, inhospitable conditions which would normally never support life of any kind; even the weeds die of malnutrition.

A plant I am often asked about in the garden is Catananche caerulea or Cupid’s Dart as it is commonly known. It is a short lived perennial but best treated as an annual or biennial. I have it in this blue/purple and white from a packet of seeds I received in a seed exchange several years ago. It forms a lovely papery flower bud which is very popular with flower arrangers and lasts for weeks. If it’s happy in your soil, it will self seed and you will have it forever, like Nigella or bittercress!

Have a great weekend.


Six on Saturday

Just back from a few days in Yorkshire and, despite the torrential rain at times, enjoyed the change of scenery. Very impressed with Ilkley where we stayed, such a well kept riverside town with absolutely no litter, clean and tidy streets, busy independent shops and friendly people. Good municipal planting too although a little regimented for my liking!

I came back to the first flowers on Dahlia ‘David Howard’ AGM, a sturdy variety with burnt orange flowers on long stems rising from purplish bronze foliage. Keeps its heads up even in rain. I believe they call this type a water lily dahlia and you can see why.

First blackberries picked yesterday. Another wonderful crop of ‘Merton’s Thornless’ which makes tying in and collecting fruit so much less painful! I will be picking them for several weeks as many are still green and there are even a few flowers left to pollinate. The granddaughters will enjoy a spot of fruit picking during the holidays! Washed and simmered on the hob for ten minutes, they will be on my granola tomorrow!

Very tricky to get a good shot of Salvia uliginosa but thought this was worth featuring to encourage others to grow it. Tall, and ethereal, the gentle movement in the slightest breeze adds movement to the border, but the thicker square stems at the base prevent bending and snapping, even in strong winds. Adored by bees which puncture the flowers to get at the nectar because the flowers are so small. I imagine they are attractive to hummingbirds in their native South America.

I am always impressed with the flower power of Lobelia and just six little plugs of alternative blue and white have filled this pot, completely surrounding the stem of the standard rose above. Not particularly exciting, different or special, just a pretty thing.

I think Liatris spicata is an underused summer flowering bulb. They come in purple and white and are very hardy and reliable. Just plant and forget. They flower for several weeks. opening from the top down so you don’t get that ugly brown spike of dead flowers beneath. Bees absolutely love them and they are as cheap as chips to buy. Highly recommended.

Finally, a shot of the front border which is looking good at the moment with everything in full bloom and standing upright!

Have a great weekend


Six on Saturday

Blackberry ‘Merton Thornless’, absolutely delicious and currently picking a bowlful every day before the Blackbirds get them. The plant is enormous, far too big to net, but there are more than enough for everyone.

Dahlia ‘Union Jack’ , also known as ‘Star of Denmark’ is one of the oldest known cultivars dating back to at least 1832 but not grown much any more probably due to its lax habit. The flowers are too large and heavy for the spindly stems which droop under the weight. Anyone who has seen the original species dahlias like ‘merckii’ will recognise this unfortunate trait and understand why it went out of favour. I am now its Plant Guardian to make sure it remains in cultivation, despite its unpopularity!

Whilst most things in my garden are dying of thirst and underperforming, the fruit is amazing and revelling in the heat. These Japanese Wineberries are coming thick and fast and provide a welcome treat for topping the breakfast granola. The sticky little berries, like shiny miniature raspberries, are easy to grow and well worth it.

Aster trifoliatus subsp. ageratoides ‘Stardust’, lovely little species aster but terrible name! Another plant which has me as its Guardian but doesn’t need any help from me to survive. A real thug which refuses to stay in one place. A small 1 litre pot acquired 5 years ago is now a border all of its own and still spreading. Its stems root when they touch the ground and it sends out underground runners as well. Pure white starry flowers against mid-green foliage is a winning combination though.

Phlomis ‘Rougemont’, a sport of Phlomis fruticosa (Jerusalem Sage) discovered by chance in the grounds of the Rougemont Hotel in Exeter some years ago and now in my care. Unusual variegated felted foliage and a whorl of bright yellow hooded flowers adored by bumble bees. Only in a pot at the moment but due to be transferred into the garden when I can find the right spot, which is always the problem!

This Phlox paniculata was in the garden when we moved here 13 years ago, has been lifted and divided several times, and is now in several spots. It was destined for the compost heap last year but I gave it a reprieve and now quite like it so it can stay for another year or until I find something which deserves the space more.

Let’s end with one of my favourites and such a pretty flower with impressively large petals, Tradescantia (Andersoniana Group) ‘Red Grape’.

Have a great weekend


Six on Saturday

It’s been raining here in Cheltenham for the last two days so my photos had to be taken between showers. However, the Echinacea pallida enjoyed the welcome rain and perked up a treat. Their downward facing petals look odd but are the defining feature of this species of Echinacea. My ‘White Swan’ have all disappeared and my purpurea drastically reduced, but pallida goes from strength to strength. Looks good with the Monarda too.

I am trialling Dahlia ‘Bishop’s Children’ for Which? Gardening magazine to see how they perform in containers and to see which colours attract the most pollinators. Unfortunately, they seem to be attracting more blackfly than pollinators at the moment! Time to squish!

I have to confess, I was stupidly excited at seeing the first grapes forming on my little Fox Grape, Vitis labrusca ‘Isabella’, and wonder if they will actually become tasty, sweet pink grapes. Watch this space!

The Merton Thornless blackberries are turning colour a little later than usual this year, presumably due to the unseasonal weather in May, but are very welcome, particularly to the hungry blackbirds! It’s a bit of a race each morning to see who gets there first! Mind you, there’s enough to go round and you can only eat, freeze and cook so many blackberries!

Japanese Wineberries are coming thick and fast too. The bright red shiny, sticky sweet little jewels are not so prolific as raspberries or blackberries but they are delicious on our morning granola.

‘Moneymaker’ tomatoes are very late ripening, probably due to the rubbish weather, but we should have been picking for a few weeks now. Not that we have been having too many salads this year! Disappointing, but things might have been different if they had been in a greenhouse. I like to grow mine outdoors for good pollination, and in the ground rather than pots or growbags despite the risk of blight. At least a month behind though!

Well, that’s my six for today

Have a great weekend and I hope it stays dry for you.
