Six on Saturday

I rather pretentiously call this ‘The Long Walk’ because it seems a long way from the front door to the garage! However, it does give me a chance to inspect a lot of plants in the ‘long border’ and my big pots in the gravel margin next to the bungalow.

And talking of pots, the Camassias have worked well again this year flowering at the same time as some lovely creamy/white/green tulips. If you haven’t already tried Camassias in pots, I strongly recommend them. Just keep them well watered.

Their starry lavender blue flowers open over a long period and are good with Narcissus too.

Erysimum ‘Red Jep’ is excellent this year. She obviously likes the cooler, wet conditions, the early feed of Growmore in February and the mulch of composted green waste. I tend to find that Erysimums are quite short lived, 3 years max before they go leggy and die on me, so I take a lot of cuttings in the early summer. They also have a nasty habit of snapping in the wind when the stems mature and become brittle.

This is Ajuga reptans ‘Burgundy Glow’, a lighter coloured greeny/purple leaved version of the common Bugle plant. It creeps and roots itself as it goes which is a very useful habit. The bright blue flowers at this time of year are a charming addition to the early Spring border and mix well with the Anemone blanda, Narcissus and the strappy leaves of ‘going over’ Snowdrops.

Viburnums are such good shrubs, totally hardy and bombproof, flowering early like this Viburnum plicatum ‘Mariesii’ which is such a joy. The flowers themselves are tiny and almost insignificant compared to the creamy white bracts surrounding them. A glorious sight at this time of year.

The purple Honesty, Lunaria annua, has been exceptional this year and is all around the hedgerows of Gloucestershire at the moment. I am hoping that my seedlings of the cultivated forms ‘Chedglow’ and ‘Corfu Blue’, will be just as good when they flower next Spring.

Finally, the long wet winter has taken its toll on the lawn. It is full of moss, weeds and Scabious seedlings from the adjacent border. Time for some Weed ‘n Feed, scarification and aeration methinks. There are those that consider such things unnecessary and ecologically unsound, and I understand their point of view. I am passionate about ecology and wildlife, but I am also a gardener, and when I see the millions of dandelions and daisies in the fields around here, I don’t think my little lawn is significant in the grand scheme of things.

Have a great weekend


Six on Saturday

We are now at that inbetweeny stage in the Birch circle where the snowdrops have gone over, the early narcissus are flowering along with the Anemone blanda (when the sun shines!) Amazing to think that by June, all this foliage will be gone and there will just be 6 Geranium ‘Rozanne’ covering the composted bark.

Amongst them is Chionodoxa luciliae ‘Pink Giant’ which I rescued from the undergrowth during our first spring here back in 2009 and still going strong.

Gardening friends thought I was mad last year, for growing Camassias in pots, but I had dug them up from elsewhere in the garden and was undecided where to put them. It was a temporary solution but they did so well that I just left them in the pots and put them behind the shed with the gone over narcissus and tulips. Without any attention whatsoever, they survived and appear to have prospered. They are usually naturalised in damp grassland but they go very well next to late flowering yellow narcissus in pots! Rules are made to be broken!

Wild Primroses love the sticky clay in my garden and pop up everywhere. The couple of pink Primulas are not so gregarious and stay put. I had several more in various gaudy colours but they seem to have disappeared. I am never quite sure whether they are, in fact, a Polyanthus rather than a Primula. Perhaps some kind reader can help.

The fat buds of the pink flowered Tree Peony promise a good show in a few weeks time, along with the taller yellow Paeonia ludlowii which looks like it will be spectacular if a late frost doesn’t kill the buds. Definitely a potential SoS contender.

Erysimum ‘Red Jep’, a gift from a kind friend, will be flowering for many months, and will have another go after it has been trimmed back in mid-summer. Such good value plants.

Finally, barring a late frost which is likely to kill off the buds, the Wisteria sinensis ‘Prolific’ is showing signs of another fantastic display in April. Fingers firmly crossed!

Have a great weekend


Six on Saturday

It is still very wet and cold for late April but some plants carry on regardless such as Erysimum ‘Apricot Twist’ which seems intent on being the plant that never stops flowering. This is a cutting taken 2 years ago which has flowered periodically all winter and is now really getting into her stride. She will probably flower for 6 months or more before I replace her with a cutting taken last year. They literally flower themselves to death!

This is Erysimum ‘Red Jep’ kindly given to me by a dear friend from our gardening group. It has been in this pot all winter and took the worst of the weather, but look at it now!

Euphorbia cyparissias looking splendid at the front of the shrubbery again. It has spread significantly since last year and now occupies a swathe across the front of the taller shrubs and perennials. I just love the acid yellow against the emerging sea of green.

As an experiment, I lifted a huge clump of Camassias last year which were in the wrong place and overcrowded, dried off the bulbs over summer and planted them in big pots in the autumn. I am delighted with the results. They mix well with narcissus and some early tulips and I can move the pots in May to make way for the Agapanthus africanus.

Unless we have a late frost, which now looks unlikely according to the current weather forecast, the Wisteria sinensis ‘Prolific’ should look magnificent this year. After three years of frosted flower buds and no flowers, I might finally get the show I planned for. Fingers crossed!

I consider myself to be very lucky to have pink and white bluebells in the garden. They appeared by chance many years ago and come back every year. They have all the same characteristics of our native bluebell, Hyacinthoides non-scripta, and occur when the flower’s blue pigment is missing, making them ‘albino’ bluebells. It is believed a native white bluebell occurs only once in every 10,000 flowers.

Finally, the Hydropod cuttings propagator is going full blast to create lots of young plants for the coming season. This is Penstemon ‘Choir Boy’, a rare white cultivar which I am hoping to popularise again. It has only taken three weeks to get these roots which proves the value of the equipment. I have now probably produced over 300 cuttings in three years!

Have a great Bank Holiday weekend
