Six on Saturday

The first Tree Peony came into flower this week. I don’t know the name but I have had it for many years and it is like an old reliable friend. It has light pink , red and yellow cousins who are always a bit later than the dark pink one. Big, blousy and in your face, I love it!

The Mexican Orange Blossom, Choysia ternata, also opened this week so things are definitely on the move.

Talking of which, the Wisteria sinensis ‘Prolific’ has survived a couple of low temperature nights and is rewarding me with the most wonderful sight along the fence bordering the patio. Not fully open as of today so forgive me if I post another picture next week when it is at its peak. The perfume is already wafting it’s way across the garden and attracting a lot of attention from pollinators, especially big fat bumbles.

From the spectacular to the diminutive. I have these common violets all over the garden, mostly in white or dark blue/purple. Then, quite by chance, and as nature often does, these pink ones appeared. Just one patch at the moment but likely to be more next year judging by how the others have spread. Sometimes, it doesn’t need to be big to be special.

The first Tradescantia to flower this year was ‘Little Doll’ on 16th April, 13 days earlier than last year, and a different cultivar. Lots of others in bud so the Collection is about to become very colourful again after six months of grassy leaves.

My green Beech hedge does this every year, opens in sections, at the same time and in the same manner. I have no idea why but it is still way ahead of the purple beech hedge in the front which is still in tight buds and not a single leaf open yet. Same species, different habits, just like people!

Have a great weekend
